
Category | お知らせ

「Discover JOZU」で魅力を再発見








JOZU WORKS will be cellebrating our 5th anniversary this year since we relocated from Higashiosaka city to Toyono-cho. In 2022, complex facility of fermented foods and original funiture, “JOZU plus” opened and we met lots of people visiting us.

Recently, a number of people who stop by during their sightseeing trips has increased. It’s located between Osaka and Kyoto, so it’s easily accessible to stop by. In spring and fall, many people come all the way to visit. When people visit us for the first time, they say, “What a wonderful place!” And sometimes people say, “I didn’t know a store like this existed!”

Toyono-cho is a truly wonderful place where you can enjoy the changing of the seasons to the fullest. You can see a solid wood furniture, which can only be found in JOZU WORKS and you can relax and spend time surrounded by nature in JOZU plus. We want to spread the charm and send the messeages to more people including Japanese and people all over the world.

That kind of thought, we have launched a new site, ‘DiscoverJOZU’ which will rediscover the charm of JOZU WORKS, JOZU plus, and the surrounding area and deliver it to everyone. Although the site is still incomplete,information will be updated sequentially, so please be patient and look forward to it.

今年是上手工作所从东大阪搬迁至丰能町的第五个年头。 2022年,综合饮食店“JOZU+”开业,众多顾客光临。 最近,很多人来这里旅游观光。

位于大阪和京都之间,驾车前往也很方便。 春秋两季,不少人驾车远道而来参观。 第一次来的人都会说:“多么美妙的地方啊!”有时人们会说:“我不知道有这样的商店存在!” 四个季节的变化 丰野镇有很多值得一看的地方。

这是一个非常好的地方。 上手工作所则出售实木家具、五金件和灯饰等原创产品。 JOZU+是一个可以在大自然的怀抱中度过轻松时光的特殊空间。 我想让更多的人知道这种魅力。

我不仅想向日本传播这个消息,还想向全世界传播这个消息。 考虑到这一点,我推出了一个新网站“DiscoverJOZU”。 我们将发掘上手工作所、JOZU+及周边地区的魅力并与大家分享。 虽然网站还不完善,但我们会逐步更新,请大家耐心等待。
